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Transform Finance with Top Class Training

Finance Transformation Training was created to help you Transform your Finance function based on the career learnings and experience of Finance Transformation Leaders. Training is available In Person, Online and In House, delivered in a creative and engaging format.

Training Courses

There are 3 main Courses aimed at starting your Transformation successfully. Delivery is via 1:1 sessions, classroom style, webinars and videos. We also offer ongoing Program Support aimed at providing Training, designing Key Deliverables and Communications.

Learn the Pitfalls of Finance Transformation Programs from an experienced Leader including the essential Critical Success Factors to set your Program up for Success. Open to all Finance and IT Leaders who are planning to deliver a Finance Transformation Program in 2025.

One Day Workshop available on site delivered by Michael Ryan. Course Fee £2,000 plus VAT.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Finance Shared Services but were afraid to ask. Michael Ryan will explain each Target Operating Model, from Captive, through BPO to Near shore and Far shore implications and which is most appropriate for your circumstances. Open to all Finance Leaders who are considering a Finance Shared Services Operating Model in 2025.

One Day Workshop available on site delivered by Michael Ryan. Course Fee £2,000 plus VAT.

Practically all Finance Transformation Programs commence with Accounts Payable and the AP∞ONE Course was developed to show you how Finance Transformation Leaders transform Accounts Payable teams into Best in Class performance. Developed to help CFO's, Finance Directors, Financial Controllers and Accounts Payable Managers who wish to Transform Accounts Payable internally.

One Day Workshop available on site delivered by Michael Ryan. Course Fee is £2,000 plus VAT.

To discover which Course best meets your requirements:

Book a Call

Training Roadshow

We will tour the UK and Ireland to deliver Finance Transformation Training directly to you. The Workshops are designed to facilitate learning, interactive training and networking.

Location London Birmingham Manchester
Date Tue 19th Nov. Wed 20th Nov. Thu 21st Nov.
Capacity 8 8 8
Price* £1,250 £1,250 £1,250
All Dates Sold Out!

Meet the Trainer

Michael Ryan

Michael Ryan is a Finance Leader whose Mission is to Transform Finance by sharing his experience. An inspirational Leader he loves leading people to reach their potential and form World Class Finance teams. He has led Finance Transformations across all major Finance Processes for Whitbread, Argos Retail Group, Deloitte and Logica CGI, before launching Finance Transformation Consulting.

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