Michael Ryan
Transform Finance with Michael Ryan

Get a Personal Trainer everybody has one

Created on 2024-10-26 18:14

Published on 2024-10-26 18:53

Its all very 1982, as Gerry Armstrong puts it past Arconada and Spain are rocked. We are stuck it seems, after 54 Editions, on 1,982 Subscribers. Pac Man, Sinclair Spectrums and Northern Ireland on a World Cup odyssey, ahh what's not to love.

By the time you read this I will have departed to watch the Dublin City Marathon and cheer on a few friends and clubmates. Dublin will come to a stand still thanks to the hard work of an amazing bunch of volunteers, all dedicated to sport. The Age of the Coach arguably started with Team sports, Football, the American or Soccer variety, but nobody can run your 26 miles.

The Age of the Personal Trainer well that's a whole other ballgame and with the rise of social media we are firmly in the Age 'Golden' or otherwise of the Personal Trainer. Now I have to confess to having spent many enjoyable years Coaching the sprints, individual and the relay. The latter being the most craic.

I have seen the good and the bad of Coaching, learned many lessons along the way and enjoyed most of it. What I really enjoyed most of all was when people realised their potential and their great big smile that says 'Yes!!! I did it!"

I was not a great believer in the tactics or the fine art of sprinting blocks and instead always got most enjoyment and results from working out what made the athletes 'tick' and then pressing those buttons to drive out a performance. I enjoyed it and they enjoyed it, no point in doing it otherwise on either part.

When I started out as an Accountant many Moons ago I had no clue I would end up doing what I do today or indeed how I do it, but every time I was given a Team I 'trained' them just like the relay squad. That aspect never changed and I do get greatest enjoyment out of turning under performing teams into winners. (Man Utd please reach out)

So when I decided to put forward my Training services I was only going to do it for something I was passionate about and which would draw upon many years motivating teams to succeed.

Success is relative and I view my job as being to leave you better equipped to fend for yourself. I always say that a true Interim puts themselves out of a job, whereby they are no longer required, the problem is solved and we move onto the next one.

I can give you the standard stuff, Classroom learning, online Courses, access to the Video Content that contains how the 'Pros do it'. I can do all that and indeed the challenge for me was to create all that Content. That is now done.

For 4 years I have generated more Content on How to Transform Finance then I ever believed was possible, via every Channel you could absorb it. Last week I launched the new Website

Finance Transformation Training and then the Roadshow and finally the Program Support.

Out into the World went the offering and on Monday the new Team will start getting in touch to discuss your Requirements. But I sensed one last piece was missing, no not the Finance Change Academy, not that and I know I shouldn't start a sentence with 'but'. But...was it a Coach or what was it? What was missing?

Coaching, the Business Coach, ahh I just don't know, I think they talk a good game but take no responsibility for results. Its more about the chat with them I find. No, I think if you want to succeed in the shark pool of Finance Transformation you need your very own Personal Trainer, someone who has seen the whites of their eyes and knows what your going through.

Now that's an idea. You want to run a Finance Transformation program for the first time, its maybe a step up for you, maybe just tipping away at the comfort zone? Then maybe you need more focus then a once a month Coaching chat, you need, now that I think of it, a Personal Trainer.

Definitely one worth chatting about, you put the kettle on.


Michael Ryan.

PS If anyone needs a NED who loves Sport and can finesse Finance all day long please feel free to approach me. I am sure my experience would add to any Sporting Organisation.