Created on 2024-08-15 09:12
Published on 2024-08-15 12:01
Thank you to all who have downloaded my new Podcast which now accompanies this Newsletter. I will attach Episode 2 within this Edition. I wish to cover the topic of that Podcast which is my Success Framework for Finance Transformation programs and why I use it.
I should point out this approach is equally applicable to any Business Transformation or challenge. It is logical and will appeal way beyond Finance Leaders for its application.
I get approached by Clients on a regular basis and so I need in the forefront of my mind an 'Assessment Tool' that enables me to quickly determine what stage they are at. Within the Podcast I recommend the 'Project Managers Secret Handbook' first gifted to me at Whitbread 20 years ago. The Quote that resonated with me the most was "If it walks like a Project and talks like a Project, is it a Project?"
More often than not due to a 'light touch' approach at Assessment Stage it actually isn't a Project. It is in fact a very large problem which will blow up in about 9 months time. It is human nature to seek the path of least resistance and to advance where possible as far as possible.
Define the Problem: Never start a Project with a recent 'defeat', an assumption, a vision of the future or anecdotal evidence. Always start with a clear articulation of the Problem. It will sustain you in the trenches when the 'muck and bullets' are flying in 9 months time.
Set the Context: A Problem without a Context quite simply is a moan. I cannot put it any simpler than that. We have 1K Invoices in process 2m per annum. Context is what makes or breaks a Problem. Define your Operating Model (Current) top down starting with the Business, then 'plug' Finance up into it by People, Process and Technology. Small tip the gold dust is in the Current Operating Model so do not skip this Step.
Validation: Sharp intake of breath as you enter the Workshop of Senior you actually have a Problem? Sit in the Doctors Waiting Room you will feel the exact same feeling. This is the first real challenge, can you convince a room of your peers there is a Problem, what the size and shape of it is and do they all agree there is a Problem.
Consensus in any walk of life is a challenge but you need to carry the room that there is a Problem and you need to prove it beyond a 'reasonable doubt' or it will come back to bite you. If you succeed a very big Congrats on taking your first step towards leading a Transformation program.
However, if you do not agree there is a Problem and you cannot Validate it, then Congrats also because you just stopped 18 months of disruption, budgetary loss and most importantly a distraction of focus from core activities.
Those first 3 Steps form your first Stage gate. For the next 6 Steps lets go for a walk and listen to the Podcast, enjoy: Episode 2: Michael Ryan's Success Framework
Anyone who would like one of my One Day Challenger sessions of your Program or would like my Program Assurance support then please reach out by DM.
Best Regards,